A Modern Revival ?

Gepubliceerd op 21 augustus 2023 om 21:29

According to a 2014 Washington Post article, Iceland seems to be a flourishing center of modern-day Norse paganism.


The article stated that the Asatru Association, founded in 1972, a small religious sect devoted to Norse gods, had as many as 2,400 worshippers in its ranks. 


With all things Viking suddenly being very much in vogue, thanks to Hollywood movies and Netflix series, it should be no surprise that Norse paganism is also growing in popularity.


As a final thought, let us offer up a modern-day interpretation of a Norse prayer to Odin (this is, after all, a little bit less messy than a human sacrifice…)

 "All father 
 Make me fast and accurate
 Let my blade strike true
 Make my arm swifter than any who would seek to destroy me,
 Grant me victory over foes and when my death comes
 Let my final thought not be "If I had only…"
 but rather let the Halls of Valhalla ring with my name
 and let me die atop a mountain top of enemy corpses"

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