The Prose Edda is a text on Old Norse Poetics,
written about 1200 by the Norwegian poet and politican Snorri Sturlson,
who also wrote the Heimskringla.
The Prose Edda contains
a wide variety of lore which a Skald (poet) of the time would need to know. The text is of
interest to modern readers because it contains consistent narratives of many of the plot
lines of Norse mythology. Although Snorri was a Christian, he treated the ancient Pagan
mythology with great respect.
To this end, Snorri created a quasi-historical backstory for
the Norse Gods. Hence the Prose Edda is of interest because it contains one of the first
attempts to devise a rational explanation for mythological and legendary events. It is also
notable because it contains fragments of a number of manusripts which Snorri had access
to, but which are now lost.
IN the beginning God created heaven and earth and all those things which are in them;
and last of all, two of human kind, Adam and Eve, from whom the races are descended.
And their offspring multiplied among themselves and were scattered throughout the
earth. But as time passed, the races of men became unlike in nature: some were good and
believed on the right; but many more turned after the lusts of the world and slighted
God's command. Wherefore, God drowned the world in a swelling of the sea, and all
living things, save them alone that were in the ark with Noah. After Noah's flood eight of
mankind remained alive, who peopled the earth; and the races descended from them. And
it was even as before: when the earth was full of folk and inhabited of many, then all the
multitude of mankind began to love greed, wealth, and worldly honor, but neglected the
worship of God. Now accordingly it came to so evil a pass that they would not name
God; and who then could tell their sons of God's mighty wonders? Thus it happened that
they lost the name of God; and throughout the wideness of the world the man was not
found who could distinguish in aught the trace of his Creator. But not the less did God
bestow upon them the gifts of the earth: wealth and happiness, for their enjoyment in the
world; He increased also their wisdom, so that they knew all earthly matters, and every
phase of whatsoever they might see in the air and on the earth.
One thing they wondered and pondered over: what it might mean, that the earth and the
beasts and the birds had one nature in some ways, and yet were unlike in manner of
In this was their nature one: that the earth was cleft into lofty mountain-peaks,
wherein water spurted up, and it was not needful to dig longer for water there than in the
deep valleys; so it is also with beasts and birds: it is equally far to the blood in the head
and the feet. Another quality of the earth is, that in each year grass and flowers grow
upon the earth, and in the same year all that growth falls away and withers; it is even so
with beasts and birds: hair and feathers grow and fall away each year. This is the third
nature of the earth, that when it is opened and dug up, the grass grows straightway on the
soil which is uppermost on the earth. Boulders and stones they likened to the teeth and
bones of living beings. Thus they recognized that the earth was quick, and had life with
some manner of nature of its own; and they understood that she was wondrous old in
years and mighty in kind: she nourished all that lived, and she took to herself all that
died. Therefore they gave her a name, and traced the number of their generations from
The same thing, moreover, they learned from their aged kinsmen: that many
hundreds of years have been numbered since the same earth yet was, and the same sun
and stars of the heavens; but the courses of these were unequal, some having a longer
course, and some a shorter.
From things like these the thought stirred within them that there might be some governor
of the stars of heaven: one who might order their courses after his will; and that he must
be very strong and full of might.
This also they held to be true: that if he swayed the chief
things of creation, he must have been before the stars of heaven; and they saw that if he
ruled the courses of the heavenly bodies, he must also govern the shining of the sun, and
the dews of the air, and the fruits of the earth, whatsoever grows
upon it; and in like manner the winds of the air and the storms of the sea. They knew not
yet where his kingdom was; but this they believed: that he ruled all things on earth and in
the sky, the great stars also of the heaven, and the winds of the sea. Wherefore, not only
to tell of this fittingly, but also that they might fasten it in memory, they gave names out
of their own minds to all things. This belief of theirs has changed in many ways,
according as the peoples drifted asunder and their tongues became severed one from
another. But all things they discerned with the wisdom of the earth, for the understanding
of the spirit was not given to them; this they perceived, that all things were fashioned of
some essence.

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