Lagherta : Viking Shieldmaiden or Norse Goddess?
To any Viking fan, Lagertha is not a strange name.
But what is the real identity of this figure? This blog post is about Lagertha. The question is whether she was a Viking shieldmaiden or a reflection of a Norse goddess.
Legend had it that Lagertha was the wife of King Ragnar Lothbrok. She was not the only wife of Ragnar though. Lagertha was also mentioned as a ruler of part of Norway. However, according to some modern scholars, Lagertha was not a historical figure. Instead, she was the reflection of a Norse goddess

Ragnar fell for Lagertha and her courage. He proposed Lagertha and had to endure some challenges to win the hand of Lagertha. After killing a bear with a spear and choking a hound, Ragnar won the heart of Lagertha.
But the love of this pair finally came to an end when Ragnar fell in love with a Swedish princess. He divorced Lagertha and married princess Thora.
Although they broke up, when Ragnar needed help, Lagertha was always willing. Lagertha once sent 120 ships to aid Ragnar in a civil war.
Lagertha as a Viking shieldmaiden
Still, some opinions of modern scholars claimed that Lagertha was not a historical figure. Some agreed that she was the work of literature, a figure piling up from many sources telling stories of many Viking women. Some believe that she was the literal reflection of Norse goddess Thorgerd. The debate about Lagertha's identity and whether she was historically true or not might forever live on.
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