Seven kings must die - The lost kingdom - Follow up movie 2023

Gepubliceerd op 20 december 2022 om 22:07

The hugely successful, world famous Last Kingdom TV series has finally come to an end after the 5th instalment of the show was released back in March.



However, there’s no need to panic as this won’t have been the last time we get to see Uhtred son of Uhtred and the rest of the beloved ‘Last kingdom’ characters on screen. 



It was announced back in 2021 that although season 5 would be the final chapter of the TV series,

the story itself would wrap up with a feature length film after the show was complete.


I assume that the movie will deal with the second half of the recent book, War Lord, as it is said in the epilogue that seven kings - or rather local war lords - died in what is nowadays known as the Battle of Brunanburh. It would make a good story to finish the series on a second level (besides what is to be told in season 5), Uhtred being asked by Aethelstan for aid after an invasion of joint Scottish, Irish and Norwegian forces, turning the fate of Englaland and making Alfred's dream come true.


Seven Kings Must Die is a two hour follow-up movie to The Last Kingdom. It was announced by Netflix on October 24, 2021. It will begin filming in early 2022, and is expected to premiere in late 2022 or early to mid 2023.

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