Archaeologists have found evidence that people in almost all corners of the world practiced tattooing for thousands of years.
Ancient tattoos served diverse purposes. They could be protections symbols, religious icons, medical treatment, social identifiers or simply cosmetic enhancements.
The problem with investigating the history of ancient tattoos is that skin is so fragile, and rarely survives in burials. Just like most of Viking clothes have rotted away and disappeared by the time archaeologists excavated their tombs, the same applies to finding traces of ancient tattoos.
The only ancient account that I found, indicating that, Viking enjoyed tattoos comes from al-Tartushi, an Arabic emissary who visited Hedeby in the tenth century.
al-Tartushi documented his travel experiences and encounters with the Vikings. Unfortunately, his work did not survive in its entirety, but excerpts from it have been preserved in Arab geographical collections. From one account we learn that al-Tartushi noticed that Vikings wore artificial eye makeup that never vanished.
Personally, I just love them...
Yep, these are mine ;-)
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