Let's play a game: KUBB

Gepubliceerd op 17 december 2022 om 13:14

With the game dating back to the Viking Age it’s been claimed that it has survived since then on Gotland, Sweden’s largest island.

In a Nutshell


EquipmentPlacement of a kubb set at the start of a game.

  • Four (or six) field marking pins
  • Ten rectangular wooden blocks, called kubbs
  • Six throwing batons
  • One king


  • The field marking pins are placed so that a rectangle is formed (see image)
  • Five kubbs are placed on each of the baselines, equidistant from each other
  • The king is placed upright in the center of the pitch



  • Team A throws two batons from their baseline, at their opponent's baseline kubbs
  • Kubbs that were successfully knocked over by team A are then thrown by team B onto team A's half of the pitch. These field kubbs are stood up again in the location where they landed
  • Team B then throws four batons at team A's kubbs — first knocking over any standing field kubbs, and only then the base kubbs
  • When a team is unable to knock over all field kubbs before their turn is over, the kubb closest to the centerline becomes the (throwing) baseline for the opposing team
  • Play continues in this fashion, with team A and B now taking turns in throwing all six batons, until a team is able to knock over all kubbs on the other team's side. That team may now attempt to knock over the king
  • The first team that topples the king, wins the game
  • Fallen kubbs are thrown from the original baseline, as are attempts to knock over the king
  • A team that accidentally knocks over the king during the game, immediately loses the game

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2 jaar geleden

Zeer duidelijke uitleg over het spel. Bedankt aan de beheerder voor deze info.

Xavier Caluwé
2 jaar geleden

yr welcome !

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