Viking Wisdom Sayings

Gepubliceerd op 15 december 2022 om 01:42

Better to fight and fall than to live without hope.

You had better something to fight for in life. And I bet all of you have, either something big or small. Having something to long for is the way to hold on to this life. When days are dark and so is your mood, a very thought of this little hope will get you through all of it. 

Stand by your own trial and not by what others say.

 You are born to be unique. You are born to leave a trait in this world. So you don't have to trust anything (negative) people are talking about you. Their motives might be to hold you back for they are jealous. 

Focus on yourself not what others are or may do. The only person you must challenge is yourself. We all walk our own path, no two are alike. Though they may cross at times, only you can walk your path.

No one is a total fool if he knows when to hold his tongue.


Words can inspire. And words can destroy. Choose yours well. If you are to say something that you might regret a few seconds later, don't do that. 


Not every cloud which darkens the day brings rain.

Sooner or later the sun will shine, or the rain will stop. Sooner or later, the better thing will come to your life and save you from all of this mess. Don't let a bad day make you believe you have a bad life. Treasure it. Bite your time. And it will come. 

Wisdom is welcome wherever it comes from.

You cannot gain all wisdom of this life. Your time is limited but wisdom is not. But grab every opportunity to seize everything that you can learn. Wisdom and knowledge will change your life to the way that you cannot believe it can.

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