Will the real Odin please stand up ?

Gepubliceerd op 14 december 2022 om 14:18

Odin—god of words and wisdom, runes and magic, giver of battle fury and death but also transformer of consciousness, trickster who teaches truth,

and wise old man—appears in many guises and has more names than any other god.


In the Middle Ages, his worship was suppressed, but in the Icelandic Eddas, his legends endured.

In the 19th century, he made a comeback in the Ring operas of Richard Wagner. In the 20th, Carl Jung blamed him for the rise of the Nazis.


In the universe of Marvel comics, Odin is a warrior king.


We can see his reection in J. R. R. Tolkien’s Gandaf and perceive a modern aspect in Mr. Wednesday, an “American God” from Neil Gaiman’s novel.

Odin is also among the most popular gods in the contemporary Heathen revival, and has become notorious for spontaneously claiming the attention of people who might not ever even have heard of him




High One, Just as High and Third

These are his names as we have heard,

Wide of Wisdom counsel gives,

Odin, Oski, Omi lives,

We call on Wodan, Vili, Vé,

to All-father, Sigfather, Gandfather pray.

—“Namechant,” by Diana L. Paxson


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